
  • Reopening

    We are glad to announce that all our departements are now opened following the closure due to Covid-19.

    When you come visit us, don't forget to keep a safe distance of at least 2 meters between all people. We also ask you to disinfect your hands when entering the building. You should limit your visit to 2 people of the same family at the same time. Also, if you have amy symptoms associated to Covid-19, such as, but not limited to, cough or fever, you won't be allowed in our business.

    The counters at the service department and the sale offices have been modified by adding plexiglas to insure the safety of everybody. All keys and pencils are disinfected between each use.

    We are currently experiencing higher than usual phone calls. Our staff is reduced due to constraints imposed by Covid-19. We ask you to be patient, we are doing all we can to respond to your needs as soon as possible. If your call is not answered immediately, please leave a message, a member of our staff will call you back as soon as possible.

    Looking forward to serve you in the following days and weeks.


